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Wait On The Lord

Believing in the seed, which you have planted, give it time to bear fruit. Most times when we plant, we dig it up over and over to see if anything is happening. Duh, then the process starts from the beginning, again, again, and again, through our own doing. Stop crying and listen up.

“Let patience do her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. If any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God…and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that a man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” James 1:4-8

It is written, faith is the key that unlocks the door. Patience is that which keeps the door open until fulfillment. You have to have the ability to wait because it is a process, a methodology. There is no time attached to the fulfillment of desire or purposed assignment. All that you will know is that the appropriate time will come, and so you will have your wits about you when that time comes, you must be patient. I must admit that it is much easier to do once you hook up with that which is eternal and know the TRUTH about you. All the “things that are added when you seek,” become inevitabilities. You don’t have to fear and doubt so patience is easy. But, if you are one that does “I wish I shoulda, coulda,” waiting on the Lord having patience will be disconcerting to say the least.

When you are focused and let nothing and / or no one derail your attention by their shenanigans to get your attention, you can also be patient easier. You are exhibiting patience toward those who have meltdowns and such. They only do that because they stand on principle in not the same way you do. They think they need to be disciplined like you are. Not! We each have our own individualized experience back to God. Ride it, enjoy it. It will help you to express patience in the hardest area of your existence. Yourself.

It takes patience to get over yourself. You wanted to heal right? Not really in most cases because of the unwillingness to do the work necessary with yourself. You want to venom blame, transfer and project your crappy feelings about yourself on others. Guess what, no matter how hard you try you can’t. My exercise with others helped me so much in developing the patience necessary to practice with myself so I could get to my healed state. I feel good having the gumption to demonstrate patience with myself, for now I’m all healed up.

I had to have patience. I had to wait on the Lord, not to do anything except walk with me until the appropriate time presented itself. It is promised. It is so. So my Reverend Doctor Love statement to you is, “Let patience usher you into your healing. Yep, I think that would be just fine by you.”


– Rev. Bobby

The Reverend Doctor Robert I. Yarbrough is an independent New Thought Minister, trained and steeped in Fillmorian Theology.  He is a writer, author, lecturer, workshop / seminar facilitator and former television host, of “Eating From The Tree Of Life” in Chicago. His extraordinary Bible skills led him in his two year series on the book of The Revelation, where Rev. Bobby shared the secrets recorded in the most loving book in the Bible with others.  His unique presentation style places audiences at ease which is always conducive for them to come away with some spiritual meat that they can immediately apply to their lives. In his newest book, 28 Days A Journey Within, Rev. Bobby establishes the bridge necessary for those ready to breakthrough and move all of their desires into manifest reality.  Reverend Bobby is also a board member of the X-Tend-A-Hand Ministry in Chicago. He handles all pastoral care duties and functions as the non-profit expert as he incorporated the ministry and developed the 501 (c) (3) package. Rev. Bobby also fields, initiates and handles all communication between X-Tend-A-Hand and the government agencies that have oversight responsibilities for non profit organizations

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