I began asking myself this question very early in life. Maybe I thought that my superpower was that of smoothing things out and improving the lot of others.
We initially lived in a four-room wood house near one of the largest train switchyards in the south. During the late 1940’s early 1950’s there were a lot of hobos catching free rides on the freight trains. My sisters and I helped them by offering food. My older sister Carolyn learned how to cook the poke salad we provided them.
From the beginning, I’ve almost always been able to look outside myself to see where others may need some help. However, the hardest lesson learned is that sometimes your service is actually hurting. That is, you may be crippling the one you are trying to help by doing things they should be doing for themselves.
Helping someone who does not, at least, try to help themselves can and will make things worse. An example of this happened to a friend who helped her church house the needy. After putting a woman and her children in a motel at my friend’s expense, the woman complained that the place was not good enough for them.
My number one area of service is getting families to learn how to accelerate their children’s schooling. Parents tend to believe that the school system, the city, the county, the state, or the federal government is responsible for their children’s education. In reality, each child’s education is first the responsibility of its parent(s).
While hammering home this point, I add some strategies and helpful tools that can help a two-year-old. I get parents to understand better that learning begins in the womb and requires ongoing diligence to be successful.
There are thousands of other ways I have been of service to other people and causes over my seventy-seven years, but none match up to my passion for education being our number one way forward.
Thanks for listening!
Image: pexels-pixabay-207756(1)
William Leroy Kennedy
William Leroy Kennedy
Former Financial Services Professional at Kennedy Group, Ltd. – Financial/Motivation
Studied Architectural Engineering at Prairie View A&M University “Giving a strong recommendation: Khan Academy for educational success.”