I have had some great opportunities in my life. Looking back, I also think I have had a few different lives. The common thread with most of it has been the creative process. Before I felt confident in my own abilities, I just simply assisted other extraordinarily talented people in their art practice.
Many of those collaborations have led me to what I do today. I am deeply grateful to all of them. Many no longer make art or no longer exist in this realm. Sometimes it’s just great to affirm I did not in any way get to this on my own. It always takes a village. For me, art is humility and just a thin thread of ego. We only need that thread to actually do the work. #contemporaryart #contemporarypainting #ittakesavillage#humilityandgratitude #afrofuturis

Today is a simple Thank you. So much gratitude to all of you who take the time to read my comments while offering positive dialogue. It has been so awesome to have these daily affirmations from all of you. Forgive me for not always being able to personally reach out lately. I am juggling a lot of things, all wonderful, by the way. It’s just not enough time in the day. Whether you can see it or not, I believe we are moving into a more conscious realm. The internet can be used for this. Of course, we know it can also be used for negative things. After all, the balance of life is both Yin and Yang. Imagine this. Good will win. If we all believe this, it might take away some of our fears. If ultimately we knew good will prevail. Thank you from the deepest core of my soul. #contemporaryart #afrofuturism #fitlerclub#goodwillwinoverevil

Mikel Elam
I am in search of my higher consciousness, all within the constraints of this part melanin-based vessel. Some say we arrive out of the womb already aware of our destiny. I have always gravitated toward future ideas: new approaches and ways of looking at things. I’ve been searching for humanity within the sea of infinite compassion. Simply trying to get closer to the divine. I meditate twice a day. I try to nourish my body and my soul with proper sustenance. My art practice is a continuation of these values. Often leading me into observations about this life and its consequences.
I love all of the art forms. I am most adept with pigments and painting devices. I listen to music, watch films, read constantly. Although when starting a painting, I work in silence. It gives me better clarity in developing a dialogue and a narrative within the art itself. Once the work is able to stand up; I can then begin to introduce external sounds to continue my practice.
I would say the single most reoccurring theme in my work is about identity. Especially in these times filled with such animosity towards the skin that many of my brothers and sisters inhabit. It is within this framework my paintings are born. The art, for me, is both an evaluation and validation of our existence. We exist. We are beautiful. We are powerful and humane. We are love.