Webster defines a gift as something voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation. Gift also can mean the act, right, or power of giving.
I love receiving gifts. When someone gives me a gift that they have taken the time to search for, based on what I would like because they listen and know me, it warms my heart. I mean, for someone to invest time and effort in an attempt to please me and make me feel good is just something that overwhelms me when it happens. To know that someone holds you in such high esteem and respects you so much that they especially think of you is moving and fulfilling. I don't know about you, but it makes me beam and glow as I feel the love. My reaction to receiving the gift also allows the giver to feel exceptionally good—a reciprocal thing. I love receiving gifts.
I love giving gifts. To be so tuned into someone that you know what they like and what will please them is quite nice. We all want connection, and we like to be known. Even at the times when we play Secret Agent, we still enjoy camaraderie and the like. So, when you give a gift, and they rip off the wrapping paper and feel like they did as a child, full of excitement and sometimes disbelief if you get them real good, it gives you a warm feeling. And then, for you to receive the immediate thank you as they jump up, latch on to you, and give you one of those pop-your-eyes-out hugs, you get another warm feeling. It's a reciprocal type of thing. One gives, and then one receives. Cool Beans. I love giving gifts.
Now, as we move along to some other types of gifts, Spiritual Gifts, the ones that come from God, well, they are awesome, and you have so many. Because God is so BIG and encompasses all things, you can always give them away. You can. And what's so good is that as you give them out, the receiver of the gift you gave can also give it away. And the more you give away, the more that same gift returns to you pressed down, shaken together, and running over. You are refilled with that gift, so you have more to give. It's how it's set up. You are the fount, and you are replenished by the fountainhead God. God never wants you to run low because it's in giving and sharing the gift that you are blessed with. Don't you want to be in this circle of blessings and love? Whether you want that or not, God wants it for you. God will win in all cases.
In our humanness, we cannot always wrap our minds around the concept that we are restored and refilled all the time as we give and share our gifts with others. That's OK. Just do it anyway. God, being God, knows what It's doing, how It sets things up, and how things operate. When we start talking about eternal, well, that is a pretty long time doing things, so God probably, more than likely, is good at what He does. We can trust, which is a gift that comes from God. Freely, God gives, and freely we receive. It doesn't cost us anything, so give it away!
Are we good? We OK? Super, because now the whipped cream, sprinkles, and cherry are on top. Ready? Hold on to your seat because, in Truth, God is The Gift and The Giver. It's like some grandfathered goodness. You can't go wrong when you give it away. That being said, go ahead and give your gifts away. Give to all you come across. On the UP LEVEL, they would only cross your path if you had something for them, and they have something for you. It's reciprocal, remember? So, if we get just one thing to understand, one thing as a takeaway, prayerfully, it will be that our blessings lie within us, giving and sharing our gifts with others. After all, we might have a part to play in making the world a better place. Let That Marinate. Peace.

– Rev. BobbyThe Reverend Doctor Robert I. Yarbrough is an independent New Thought Minister, trained and steeped in Fillmorian Theology. He is a writer, author, lecturer, workshop/seminar facilitator, and former television host, of “Eating From The Tree Of Life” in Chicago. His extraordinary Bible skills led him in his two-year series on the book of The Revelation, where Rev. Bobby shared the secrets recorded in the most loving book in the Bible with others. His unique presentation style places audiences at ease which is always conducive for them to come away with some spiritual meat that they can immediately apply to their lives. In his newest book, 28 Days A Journey Within, Rev. Bobby establishes the bridge necessary for those ready to break through and move all of their desires into manifest reality. Reverend Bobby is also a board member of the X-Tend-A-Hand Ministry in Chicago. He handles all pastoral care duties and functions as the non-profit expert as he incorporated the ministry and developed the 501 (c) (3) package. Rev. Bobby also fields, initiates and handles all communication between X-Tend-A-Hand and the government agencies that have oversight responsibilities for nonprofit organizations