by Dr. Robert V. Gerard
Imagine the day when you shine bright like a star. Deep down inside, you have a knowing of this. It is a feeling that propels you to keep trying: to sing better, dance better, write better, play your sport better, or play your game of life better. It's an addiction of sorts. You'd almost sacrifice your soul to realize this inner phenomenon, wouldn't you?
Every year, millions of people pursue challenging careers. They face stiff competition and undergo thorough testing, so the odds of being selected are minimal. But for those who shine, the best is yet to come. The second challenge is to sustain your accomplishment, as others will rightfully challenge you.
What makes you different? Special? Unique? It's the SHINE. You can feel it, or you wouldn't be involved in the first place. But do you understand this feeling, this urge, this gift? Before your outer light shines, your inner light must shine. When it does, you feel grounded and unique. You feel great about your persona and enhance your abilities to perform. Becoming a star means doing your best and constantly demonstrating your gifts.Â
Being recognized for your talents starts first with yourself. It means you've moved into a higher realm of existence in your given field. This gift of yours portrays your specialty, your uniqueness, and your authenticity. That's what it's all about presenting the real you in front of others—that's the shining you. Not many people can do this. That is why we have heroes, celebrities, gold medalists, and stars. You exemplify the hopes and dreams of others. In many cases, the movie star or Olympian athlete represents the shining star that attracts you—this is the connection between those who are and those who wish they could be.
Most importantly, you radiate the love for creating and showcasing the gifts you possess – that's the shine. It's what makes others crave your presence and talents. You have something they desire. You fulfill their needs, so to speak. And all of this is achieved with honor and respect. The star within you shines brighter every time you honor it."
Life becomes more empowered when you embrace your uniqueness and practice self-love. Trust in yourself is essential to sustaining your inner gifts. Trust is the most powerful force you possess, allowing you to tap into divine powers without being bound by outcomes, doubts, or fears. Trust radiates brightly.
As kids get involved in performing arts, sports, and academics, they are often driven by their passion and love for what they do. While there may be some social pressure, the parents usually provide the most support behind the scenes. They handle things like driving their kids to practices, making costumes, offering emotional support, and purchasing show tickets. This support is reliable while you are young, but as you grow older, you'll need to rely on yourself more and more. You'll have to manage your own time, money, and efforts. The support you receive from your parents will diminish, and you'll have to take control of your journey. It's a transition from depending on others to taking responsibility for your actions as your parental support system dwindles. Then it becomes the time to walk your talk.Â
Despite your growth, all that effort could have been for nothing without trust and love for your uniqueness. Your unique qualities must shine through. Most people trying to become famous have yet to have much chance to develop their inner skills, which bring everything together. What's inside affects what's outside. Life doesn't work any other way, and success means reinventing new goals.
Success is not found in achieving a goal. It's found in the process. Life is not in the future; it's in the present moment. Your true progress comes from within, from the energy that propels you forward and allows your creativity to shine. There will always be ups and downs, but the overall trajectory is upwards. It all starts with opening your heart and acknowledging that your body is your true guide, for it holds your inner light that must remain active.
Remember how, as a child, your body used to communicate with you? You would let your imagination take you anywhere you desired, changing the world to fit your whims and creative pursuits. However, as an adult with obligations and responsibilities, your imagination may have been curtailed or even abandoned. Bringing back your imagination is possible by shining the light within. Just imagine feeling joyful, peaceful, and free daily, trusting yourself and knowing you are exactly where you should be. Envision the good and beautiful surrounding you. That's using Your Shining Light.
It's time to break free from the inner blockages that prevent you from hearing what your bodily intuition is saying. It's time to move forward in life and enjoy the process of your unique unfolding. It's time to reap the rewards and evolve into greater manifestations. Your childlike innocence connects your mind, body, and soul. Together, they generate higher vibrational frequencies of intuition, perception, and confidence.
Having a positive attitude makes the process of life relatively automatic and consistent. Your physical, psychological, and social well-being cleanses and brightens. Your Shining Light is a process that ultimately serves as its goal, albeit goals are forever being completed and recreated. Thus, the process of self-empowerment evolves ceaselessly in absolute rhythm. This modus operandi, if you will, is what others see in you—a charismatic flare of life, holding your gift that no other person on Earth can present.Â
Your Shining Light is unique. It's the ultimate gift our Creator gave us. Maybe God gave you a unique face—to recognize only you.
Be in peace with yourself. Shine!
—Dr. Robert V. Gerard"Â

Dr. Robert V. GerardÂ
Copyright © 2024 Robert V Gerard
Newsletter: lifeawareness.substact.com
987 words [ 5 April 2024 ]