My daughter, Camille, has a weekly rendezvous with Sugar Pearl. She raves, “Sugar Pearl can burn! I love her recipes!” I’ll admit it; I have never attempted to cook one of her scrumptious-looking recipes, but then I’m not a cook like my kid. I just love to watch Sugar Pearl’s videos. She navigates her cozy kitchen with unparalleled panache, all while throwing us kisses and inviting us to share the senses she creates. Like her moniker, SugarPearl is a jewel, and we have her with us in Garden Spices. Let the fun, fine, food festivities begin. – Victorine.
SugarPearl’s Stuffed Salmon
I could eat Salmon every day! It’s a sturdy, filling, heart-healthy fish that my doctor highly recommends. But in this
recipe, I cheat a little with a creamy, green, filling. Don’t tell Doc. Hopefully, you’ve got a nice belly section of salmon to make this delicious recipe. It may be helpful to use a pan that is both stovetop and oven safe.
Make sure salmon is as dry as possible before adding your seasonings. This will give your fish a beautiful vibrant
color. Here’s what I use (per pound of fish)
1tsp. pink salt
1tsp. Old Bay
1/2 tsp. pepper
1tsp. garlic powder
1T Tajin (or your favorite) fruit seasoning.
(YES. Fruit seasoning.)
1T olive oil
With a sharp knife, make an incision lengthwise along the top side of the fish. Then, start slathering on your spices.
At this point, you can let it marinate while you work on the filling.
Spinach stuffing for SugarPearl’s salmon
Filling ingredients:
4 ozs. softened cream cheese
4 ozs. sour cream
6-8 ozs. cooked, drained spinach
6-8 ozs. cooked, coarsely chopped shrimp or fresh crab meat
(Tip: Cook your own shrimp, but only for about 3 minutes. Sautee it with some minced fresh garlic, diced sweet
pepper, and onions Add all that goodness to your filling. It’ll taste better… promise).
Mix until all ingredients are well incorporated for a silky texture.
Sear salmon flat side down for about 4 minutes. You want to start a nice crust on the bottom before putting it in
the oven (350 degrees).
Watch the sides of your salmon and don’t peek underneath; it’ll let you know how it’s cooking.
Remove from stovetop.
Add as much or as little filling to the opening of the salmon. I usually fill until it’s spilling over.
Place pan in your 350-degree oven for about 12 minutes. Check on it around the 10-minute mark.
After removing your salmon from the oven, allow it to sit for 2-3 minutes. That filling is piping hot so be careful before digging in.
SugarPearl’s, LLC | Charlotte, NC |
Facebook LIVE: Carla Renea and SugarPearl’s | Instagram: sugarpearls_online | YouTube: SugarPearl’s
Stuffed Salmon