songs in a minor key
discover the depths of your soul
the flow of an uneasy mystery
you to consume their substance.
melodies leave you with residual longing
that won’t leave you alone.
that taps into vital chambers.
their frequency closes your eyes,
your soul to feel their magic,
a winsome smile as you remember.
songs like As, by Stevie Wonder
“Ain’t that loving you?!!” (written in a minor key)
embracing you to surrender.
Originally from Chicago, Vicki Goldston, (Victorine), now calls Florence, AL, the Shoals area, home. She has three children, (including a son-in-love), and 3 grandchildren, all who add texture to the fabric of her life.
Teaching Conscious Living through God Within You, Vicki is the Pastor Emeritus of Living Spirit Church, an Independent, New Thought ministry, in Florence, AL. Minister Vicki is an Inspirational Speaker; a Contributing Author of a Chicken Soup book, The Miracle of Tithing, by Mark Victor Hansen; and the author of her own book, Be S.A.F.E. (Still, Aware, Faithful, and Excellent). She is the president of Camp Goldston Publishing, LLC. and the founder of Garden Spices Magazine. She facilitates her workshop, Abundance Therapy, and is the Founder/Facilitator of Revelations: A Ministry. She is also a member of the African Dance Troupe, POZA and The C.O.R.E. Drummers.
Her slogan is: “It’s all good/God” and Minister Vicki believes “love” has the final word.