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Writer's pictureRev. Bobby Yarbrough

Great Expectations

Photo by Jan Tinneberg on Unsplash

"You don't get what you pray for; you get what you expect." Rev. Christina Knox-Warthall.

Expectations grow out of efforts made. What have you done, or more to the point, what have you contributed to life so that you can form some valid expectations for yourself? Do the activities participated in and the efforts made so far in life support what you feel are your life desires? What do your efforts and activities support and align with? What can come out of this? Have you nourished and fed the seed you planted so you can expect it to bloom? Well, let's take a look.

Your daily activities and efforts should align with your goals as stepping stones to success. Thinking things out to an end and forming some plan dramatically assists in developing the foundation from which valid expectations can be derived. Now, with the end in mind, you can review the current activities you are involved in and determine if your efforts align with the goal of the end game. You can now institute any adjustments. This process is a living entity; it grows, breathes, and changes as it matures. The fully clothed aspect of the idea implemented begins to show forth. "All things are possible in God" now morphs into "All things are inevitable in God." A great shift takes place, and now that things are aligned, expectations rise as you move closer to the goal, the accomplishment, and the manifestation of the idea being brought to life.

What can come out of this? Well, remarkable things can come out of this. You can help others. You can experience healing aspects and the prosperity of God. We always experience it anyway, but a conscious awareness of what's happening brings about a most fulfilling experience. As we use our resources as a support beam to anchor our dreams and goals, things start falling into place and order themselves as they work together. We are excited and focused and operate at a higher level of discipline as our expectation grows according to our efforts. We are cooking with gas now. Straight Ahead is our mantra.

We now keep our focus on moving through the process. All the steps are done. There is nothing more to do except be patient while the outworking of the idea takes place. And if we sit tight and rest in the activities done and efforts made, we can celebrate the fact that we stayed on course. What we expect has become our North Star, our Guiding Light. We are clear and steadfast; we are standing in Truth. We have brought our endeavor to life. As the new life comes forth as our objective, our Great Expectations have been and always are the fuel to drive us onward and upward. Drive On. Expect Greatly. Peace


– Rev. BobbyThe Reverend Doctor

Robert I. Yarbrough is an independent New Thought Minister, trained and steeped in Fillmorian Theology. He is a writer, author, lecturer, workshop/seminar facilitator, and former television host, of “Eating From The Tree Of Life” in Chicago. His extraordinary Bible skills led him in his two-year series on the book of The Revelation, where Rev. Bobby shared the secrets recorded in the most loving book in the Bible with others. His unique presentation style places audiences at ease which is always conducive for them to come away with some spiritual meat that they can immediately apply to their lives. In his newest book, 28 Days A Journey Within, Rev. Bobby establishes the bridge necessary for those ready to break through and move all of their desires into manifest reality. Reverend Bobby is also a board member of the X-Tend-A-Hand Ministry in Chicago. He handles all pastoral care duties and functions as the non-profit expert as he incorporated the ministry and developed the 501 (c) (3) package. Rev. Bobby also fields, initiates and handles all communication between X-Tend-A-Hand and the government agencies that have oversight responsibilities for nonprofit organizations

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