We are grabbing it by the handfuls. “Delight, pleasure, bliss, glee, exuberance, happiness, treasure, wonder, treat, prize… so many words to express JOY, ” according to Managing Editor, Pratik Mamtora. Garden Spices feels it through honoring our family, through our spiritual walk, remembrances, and in the case of Storm Spencer, through finding a vital force that propels an abundant life living with Lupus. Her name reflects what she is — fierce!
Enter our Garden Gate to experience how the rest of our Contributors define joy, as Siblings, as an Ageless Queen, in Starrdust, as Sticky Wisdom, Euphoria, and Simple Pleasures to name a few ways. How ever it comes, our contributors invite you to get some!
Gate open!

– Vicki Goldston, aka, Victorine
Founder and Editor-in-Chief
Garden Spices Magazine