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Have you experienced a dream that later became reality?

Have you heard someone speaking has already transitioned from the physical realm?

Have you felt the emotions of someone else?

Have you thought of someone and suddenly they call, or you see them in person unexpectedly?

Have you suddenly had an intense feeling of knowing about a person or situation?

Have you felt the presence of someone near you that wasn’t physically there?

Can you communicate with those who have transitioned from this physical realm?

Do you seem to know things before they happen?

These “gifts” are often referred to as the Claire Senses and are associated with highly perceptive connections to the spiritual world, also known as the energy or quantum field. They take their name from the French word “claire,” which means clear. You can call these spiritual gifts physical abilities or intuitive skills. Whatever you want to call them, they enhance the clarity of our natural senses and connect us to the realm of spirit, energy, or oneness with the universe.

The question is, do you want to be that connected? Some say yes, but it can be a hard no for some.

After a severe car accident as a teen where I lost consciousness a few times, I began having intense prophetic dreams. These dreams felt different than my usual chaotic dreams, and I had a difficult time separating the dreams from reality for a while. After noticing that these dreams would come to life after a couple of weeks, I tried deciphering the weird analogies and symbolisms to figure out what I was dreaming. A series of fire dreams completely freaked me out when our house caught fire two weeks later. I was done with the dreaming and asked, or might I say, demanded that whatever brought me these dreams, please release me from them because I couldn’t take the intensity. And so it was as I no longer experienced the premonitions.

Years later, as I learned of the energy field and the flow of frequency, I began to understand the connections to the spiritual realm and decided that I could be open to the flow of information I had seemingly forbidden in my teens. Maybe with a new understanding, the dreams, information, and connections wouldn’t seem so startling or scary.

In the words of Catherine Carrigan, “One of the most useful and important ways to be able to use your psychic gifts is to learn how to read what’s happening in your very own body.”

As I’ve relaxed into accepting these “gifts,” I am discovering just how much I can serve others by connecting with the spiritual guides or whatever you would prefer to call them. I now enjoy the once freaky experiences that I feel are precious “gifts” of heightened senses - connections to places we can’t see with our physical eyes and the spirits of people who are no longer here in the physical.

Being able to welcome messages for others through various senses has brought me a great deal of joy. What I once considered scary and a curse has now become what I enjoy the most.

Here’s an essential list of the most common Claire Senses:

Clairvoyance – Clear seeing that enables us to receive intuitive messages through visions and/or mental images.

Clairaudience – Clear hearing that enables us to receive messages through sound, voices, and other sources that are not physically present.

Claircognizance – Clear knowing, often called our “gut” feeling. Often sudden, these messages come as intuitive knowledge with no logical explanation.

Clairsentience – Clear feeling often called empathic where we can receive messages through connections to the actual feelings and emotions of those around us.

These connections and heightened senses can indeed feel uncomfortable at times and, truthfully, a little scary. They can also be amazing and give us a way to receive our own guidance for this human journey and the ability to offer guidance and messages to others.

And it is such a fabulous “gift” to be able to partake, understand, and share with others.

Suppose you are experiencing heightened senses and don’t know what to do with the information. In that case, I suggest researching them and then meditation to calm your mind so you can be a more available and receptive conduit for information.

For more information on your frequency, flow, and energy field, you can visit me on most social media under “The Positive Power of You.” Facebook/Instagram/ (.com)


M. LaRae M.Sc. Metaphysician and Reiki Master Marquetta LaRae, M.Sc. Metaphysician / Reiki Master / Bestselling Amazon Author

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