Be willing to make a few mistakes, to suffer a little pain to get what you want. It is not easy to allow oneself to make mistakes. We do live in a world that puts pressure on us to be perfect and to be embarrassed of our mistakes. The end therefore is to be a perfectionist; to do what others expect, and not what we expect for ourselves. Sometimes I do wonder how I can allow myself to suffer pain deliberately. However over time, I have discovered some rich wisdom in spite of the many times I felt jaded after making mistakes. Wisdom is the power of mistakes. Regardless of how you look at it, there are many lessons to be drawn from one’s mistakes.
Personally, I have found myself complaining about why I made a particular mistake, especially if it was a ‘foolish’ one. Nowadays, I give myself permission to make mistakes, that’s how I learn and see things through. My mistakes are minor compared to the lessons I get out of them. I feel weak when I encounter pain just like any other being. Recently I have come up with a counter to address this pain. That as long as I am alive, pain won’t deter me from pursuing what I want. My goals are important than the pain I feel once in a while.
We can decide to do something differently only after we accept who we are, where we are, and that we are capable of change. It normally takes time to realize who we are really are; and this at times happens when we are stuck in a certain situation, and we are unable to see through the muck. In that moment we define who we are by trying to navigate our way out. Most times it is NOT easy to accept where we are especially if it’s a challenging place. Accepting that we are stuck makes it easy for the mind to think of ways to help us get out. By trying something different I have come to know myself better. Sometimes I am amazed because at times I ignore what my soul tells me.
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It is important to know that we are not on earth to live up to other’s expectations from us. This is a good reminder for me and every one out there regardless of the time and their age. Most times life seems so boring because most of us, I included, do things to please others, our parents, friends, colleagues, spouse/partner, lover and at times even siblings. I am happy always that I am me and no one else. I am God’s special creation on earth doing things no one could, feeling the way I am and pursuing my life goals that are different from others. The only expectations I have are my own, I don’t even try to impose to others what they should be. I realize no one will be like me and even if I had a child he/she will make mistakes, learn from them, and design their own expectations of self.
– Bikundo Onyari
Bikundo isa self taught social entrepreneur, based in Nairobi, Kenya. He is a Bridge2Success mentor and coach for upward mobile young professionals who are ambitious, smart, go-getters and high achievers who are keen to create a dynamic and inspiring life. Bikundo feels purposeful working with people to realize and nurture their abilities. Apart from Kenya, he has worked in a variety of locations including Rwanda, Uganda, the Netherlands, Morocco and Mexico. You can reach him on Twitter @BikundoOnyari