“…his eyes gleamed in the reflected light … imagine the joy when knowing the Truth…”
Reflect on the future. Does that make sense? Does reflection have ground rules and restrictions, or is reflection an open field of intimate psychology?
In a quiet space, as I meditate, I find it easy to reflect upon my Life. I can recall many loving events and ponder upon each. I tend not to find tragedies, rather events that can improve my situation. But there again, I tend to imagine beauty in my future and reflect upon that. So, what is the skill set: imagination or reflection?
Watching into your past can resurface those feelings of joy that formed you today. I see myself playing on Cherry Hill, a magnificent city street with a very shallow grade, but for me, sleighing in deep snow was overwhelming. I was flying. As a child then, a city boy, that slope was steep and the snow bountiful.
Now with lots of earned wisdom, I can reflect into the world I am creating before me or is this imagination. Our job is to fill time with beauty and happiness. That’s the quest…much more passionate than a goal. Unfortunately, many people bring their fears and limiting conditions into their future and cloud time.
It’s healthy to reflect and appreciate your creations—sad ones, too. In today’s hectic world, most people do not fulfill time with their consciousness, instead, they are busy filling their pockets or seek entertainment, or worse yet, coast their Life away.
Let’s reflect upon Nature. She offers splendid colors, carved mountains, and vivacious oceans. She carries no prejudices or bias. As far as She is concerned, her domain encompasses all living creatures. She uses climate, wind, floods, and earthquakes to express Her planetary evolution, but shows little regard to the welfare of Her creatures and civilizations. Yet when you reflect and talk to Her about Her beauty and hidden powers, She responds and you can reflect upon what is being shared with you. Why are so many people drawn to explore Her? Does She have answers for us?
Be it known, that Vitamin R [R for reflection] will soon be sold replacing depression and apathy pills. When you reflect, you grow. When you reflect, you open your horizons. A person or a nation could be blessed when reflecting its values to the rest of the world. When my 3-month old grandson, smiles at me, I impulsively feel great, filled with joy, and respond with “awe” “gaga” and who knows what. That’s a reflection.
We live in a Universe of reflections. Everything that happens on the outside surprisingly appears on the inside, and visa versa. Humans constantly investigate their origins, while exploring their destinies. A Universal push-pull interaction. People seek to know where they came from and try to determine where they are going. Purpose and destiny underlie this behavior.
“We don’t see things as they are. We see things as we are.” …as mentioned in The Babylonian Talmud: Tractate Berakoth (folio 55b.) In essence, what we see in others mirrors [reflects] what we have in ourselves.”
Can it be that Truth is a derivative of reflection? As we live in our past-present-future existence, finding elements of our own truths occupy us consciously and subconsciously. Somehow as we discover ourselves, we thrive to identify the truths that construct our personality.
It makes more sense if you reflect upon events where wisdom occurred. That reflection serves to be more pragmatic and beneficial. Obviously, it can be a chore to reflect upon our own stupidity or nonsense, unless we go deeper into our experience and reflect upon the insight learned. Best to reflect upon what brings you joy and increased value. I sincerely believe that the meaning and intent of the word “Reflection” could use some extensive marketing. It’s a technique. It’s a healing machine. It’s free!
It’s time to take another Vitamin R. I’ll play some quick paced Chill Music. Get grounded and relax. My mind-heart-soul feels like expanding.
Try it!
Have Fun, Peace and Health,
Dr. Robert V. Gerard
Copyright© 2017 Robert V Gerard
-Dr. Robert V. Gerard
Robert V. Gerard brings 49+ years experience in Senior Management, Financial and Marketing. He currently serves as a Senior Partner within Green Way Pavements directing Financial, Marketing and Training Operations. Previously Dr. Gerard was the publisher of Oughten House Publications. He keeps a super positive attitude and enjoys presenting information to enlighten individual pursuits in both personal and business sectors. Dr. Gerard’s educational and professional qualifications include AAS (Associate in Applied Science) in Civil Engineering Technology; B.S. in Social Psychology; M.S. in Human Resources Management; and a, Doctorate in Metaphysical Philosophy and Spiritual Psychology.
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