As we go about our daily lives, people constantly speak about health-related issues. People have a host of common diseases, such as diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and even digestive issues, to name a few. People are overweight. What is an underlying common denominator with all of these issues? Movement or the lack thereof! This is where fitness comes into play. Fitness plays an integral role in our day-to-day lives. Chances are, the more fit you are, the healthier you become.
Now there is a frequent misconception about what fitness is. So, let's talk about what fitness is and address what fitness is not. But first, let's address what fitness is not. Fitness is not one size fits all. That said, we do not expect all people to be ultra-thin, nor do we expect everyone to eat or look the same. According to the Oxford Dictionary, fitness is being physically fit and healthy. Being healthy includes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual areas in one's own reality.
Fitness is not just physical exercise; it's a fundamental shift in one's mindset. A fit mindset will ask questions like, "Is this healthy for me;" "Should I eat that;" and "What can I do to minimize my stress."
● Fitness is peace.
● Fitness is therapy.
● Fitness is strength.
● Fitness is confidence.
● Fitness is mental health.
● Fitness is accountability.
● Fitness is transformation.
● Fitness is personal growth.
Now let's get into the physical exercise of fitness. The minimum guidelines, as set by the Department of Health and Human Services, are 150 minutes of moderate aerobic or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week. That can be broken up however a person sees fit over said week. One should also do strength training for all major muscle groups at least two times a week. Moderate aerobic activity can include a brisk walk, bicycling on mostly level ground, water aerobics, hiking, gardening, or pushing a lawn mower. Vigorous activities include fast cycling, running, jumping rope, heavy gardening such as digging and hoeing, and martial arts (my favorite activity). Strength training exercises include bodyweight calisthenics and lifting weights or using resistance bands. The combination of aerobic exercise and strength training increases endurance. Flexibility is also essential to fitness, so pilates and yoga would be good exercises to help fulfill those areas. Yoga promotes breathwork, mindfulness, and movement.
Aerobic activity is good for the cardiovascular system. This cardiovascular system gets oxygen from the lungs to the body's organs via the blood. Aerobic activity increases blood flow through faster breathing and elevated heart rates. The body uses oxygen in the process of generating fuel for the body.
Strength training is vital because it helps to improve one's quality of life. Strength training helps to stabilize and protect joints, build bone density, reduce body fat, and even improve sleep. Building strength helps to create better balance and is likely to help prevent falls. In addition, a stronger body allows one to experience greater independence when aging.
As you can see, fitness covers many areas of our day-to-day lives. To have a greater quality of life, one should incorporate movement. Remember, a fitness mindset improves one's quality of life via the body, mind, and spirit.

Kevin Moore is a Health and Fitness advocate that has always been athletic. He played sports both officially in high school as well as unorganized sports. His interest in fitness took off in the military where he led fitness training exercises.
After getting out of the military he unofficially helped people train as he was on his own fitness journey. Along his journey he became conscious of the effect that eating habits have on one’s health and fitness. Kevin started to research nutrition further and as he gained more knowledge, his desire to help people grew.
Today Kevin is a Black Belt in Karate and teaches students from tots to adults. He is a certified Personal Trainer, Strength & Conditioning Coach, Sports Nutrition Coach, Transformation Specialist and Health Coach. He also enjoys doing various fitness challenges for charity.
Kevin believes self-love is an integral part of health and fitness; Therefore, he promotes self 1st.

● Business: BK Health & Fitness
● Website: BodiedByKevin.fit
● Email: BodiedByKevin@gmail.com