Stress is when your body is knocked out of homeostasis (physiological balance). The hormones of stress predispose you to disease in both your mind and body. Your stressful thoughts and emotions can literally make you sick. If it naturally follows that if your anxiety can make you ill, then keeping a positive mindset can place you in harmony and alignment and make you well. Breathe out stress and inhale wellness. Namaste
Every time you visualize your healing all the way to completion, your healing draws nearer to you. Once you identify and state your intention and the purpose of your healing, it increases the probability of it manifesting. Healing is like planting a seed in the ground. Setting the intention to heal plants the seed and then taking conscious and consistent action produces the plant.
Dr. Clayton’s first book, “The Greater You, The Journey of Awakening” focused on the inner journey. “Love and Healing” focuses on healing emotional suffering. “Love And Healing Exercises” Dr. Clayton’s third book is a seventy-step action plan pocket guide for your spiritual restoration.