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Cosmic Patience

Writer's picture: Camp Goldston Publishing, LLCCamp Goldston Publishing, LLC

I believe that our Creator continually provides opportunities for the expression of our higher selves.  Of all the attributes that define elevation, patience rises to the top of my list as most critical and perhaps the most elusive. Patience is the capacity to tolerate delay, trouble, discomfort and struggle, without anger.

We eagerly seek relief and the notion of waiting for the desired outcome to manifest is patently unappealing and yet it’s been proven that meaningful change cannot be accomplished without patience. Apparently it is necessary that we each spend varying amounts of time being molded on the Master Potter’s wheel.


Gardeners know that hundreds of seeds come in a package and to garden successfully, one learns that despite the beautiful vision on the outer package, what is inside is merely a possibility, not even a probability. The vision on the seed’s package is possible, but only if …If the conditions for growth are optimal, and if the seeds are attended to day-by-day, if malicious weeds are ruthlessly torn out, and if the seeds are patrolled for garden pests that would ravage them in their infancy. And then there is the light, which must caress the seeds with just the right intensity. Not so much that the seeds are burned, but sufficient to warm the soil around the root ball escorting the sun’s rays through the stalks to stimulate growth. And throughout this process the gardener waits patiently, delaying the harvest until the plant is ripe. Not all of the seeds in the package will survive; some will shrivel and die. But properly tended, many will thrive and bring forth ripe tomatoes, cucumber vines, thick bushy herbs and stalks bursting forth with colorful flowers!

Is the Divine the most patient gardener of all? I often ask, “When will human kind more broadly manifest elevated ideals of behavior?”  It amuses me that human kind is actually a bit of an oxymoron, since not all humans are kind, but I digress.

Considering the thoughts of inspired thinkers like, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus, Muhammad, and more contemporary philosophers like Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Mahatma Gandhi, and Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., to name a few, one would think we would be further along the continuum of getting along peacefully, one with the other. We study and reference spiritually inspired texts: the Bible, the Koran, the Torah, Hindu scriptures, etc. What more could we need?

Even with our attendance at regular services and rituals and gatherings intended to “implant” this spiritual wisdom, the process of the evolution and elevation of human consciousness seems frustratingly slow.

Divine Wisdom has been expressed on some level or another throughout the ages and yet I’m not impressed that humanity is elevating to new heights. Reading the paper, watching the news, it seems quite the opposite. Conversely, we witness incredible acts of kindness, love, heroism and sacrifice. Signs that the possibility of bringing forth the goodness of human beings absolutely exists. Seeds being patiently germinated?

I remember reading the novel, Ishmael, An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit, written in 1992 by Daniel Quinn. This oddly riveting book unfolds through a narrator that has telepathic communication with an ape. The central question is whether man, who believes himself to be the center of the Universe, is really fit to have dominion over the earth.

A passage reads,

“There’s nothing fundamentally wrong with people. Given a story to enact that puts them in accord with the world, they will live in accord with the world. But given a story to enact that puts them at odds with the world, as yours does, they will live at odds with the world. Given a story to enact in which they are the lords of the world, they will act as the lords of the world. And, given a story to enact in which the world is a foe to be conquered, they will conquer it like a foe, and one day, inevitably, their foe will lie bleeding to death at their feet, as the world is now.”

It is clear to me that our lifetimes are a mere nanosecond in the history of humanity. If we seedlings are capable of manifesting a greater version of the human race, we require nourishment, cultivation and abundant light to bring forth an elevation in the collective consciousness of men and women who believe they have dominion over the earth. Only patience and commitment to moving forward at this cosmic snail’s pace will tell the final story.


– Susan D. Peters

Susan D. Peters, aka, Ahnydah (ah-NIE-dah) Rahm, brings a wealth of experience gained as an expatriate living in West Africa. Her memoir Sweet Liberia, Lessons from the Coal Pot, received the Black Excellence Award for Non-Fiction from the African American Alliance of Chicago and the Mate E. Palmer award for Non-Fiction from the Illinois Press Women’s Association. Broken Dolls, Susan’s second book, represents her foray into the mystery market and is the first of a series featuring Detective Joi Sommers as its heroine. Her work is featured in three anthologies, Baring It All, the Ins and Outs of Publishing, Signed, Sealed, Delivered … I’m Yours, a contemporary romance anthology, and The Anthology of the Illinois Woman’s Press Association. Buy her books online and at

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