My mind is thinking of what colors I should paint the room, imagining how she will look, and anxious for her to finally come into the world. My daughter Riley Blake has now made her entrance and the joy I feel is beyond anything I have ever felt. Bringing a child in the world is the most joyful thing I have ever experienced.
It stops. My tank that was once filled with joy is now filled with worry as I think of the world we live in.
Then I am reminded that although the world we live in can be scary, we serve an almighty God who is taking sweet care of us.
I can’t sit still. My heart is racing. My mind is in awe and I feel on top of the world. I have just landed in a new place and I am filled with joy. To travel. See new architecture. Hear new languages. Taste new food. Smell nature in a different form. Every single thing about traveling brings me joy.
It stops. My tank that was once filled with joy is now filled with sadness as I head back home from my journey.
Then I am reminded that there will be more adventures in the future.
My headphones in, with the music blaring, I click “add to playlist” because I know this will be one of those songs I listen to hours on end. Wow, I am smiling hard because I just came across a new song. I can finally mix up my car ride. Music brings me joy.
It stops. My tank that was once filled with joy is now filled with frustration as my phone died and I no longer have access to music.
Then I am reminded that I can simply pop in a CD or listen to the radio.
-Kayla Dene’ Slusher
Kayla Dene’ Slusher. A lifestyle blogger currently based out of Maryland has a love for teaching others to love themselves and live their passions. Each of her posts found on, encourage everyone to live life to the fullest. She has brought us some motivation today as well with her post, Joy.